Approaches to pain assessment

By Dementia Training Australia

  • Foundational
  • 1 hour
  • Online Module
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In this module we explore some examples of how pain may be expressed and the challenges in assessing pain in a person with dementia in the acute care setting. You will learn about the hierarchy of pain assessment techniques and the use of a number of pain assessment tools. We also unpack the relationship between pain and changed behaviours. This is module 6 in the 9 part module series: The View from Here: Skills in Dementia Care for Acute Settings

Physical Wellbeing



Continuing Professional Development (CPD) :
1 hour

Learning Outcomes

After completing this module, staff should be able to:
  • Identify the various mechanisms by which pain can be expressed, and the hierarchy of pain assessment.
  • Recognise that regular pain assessment is vital to the management of changed behaviours.
  • Use formal tools to identify and record pain levels.