Help me choose
Dementia training & resources

Answer a few questions and we'll find high quality dementia learning opportunities specific to you.

Question 1.

Are you looking for training for yourself or for your staff or organisation?

Question 2.

What is your occupation?

Please select your occupation.
Please enter your occupation name.

Question 3.

What topics are you interested in?

Select up to 3 topics of interest

Question 4.

Identify your knowledge level for each topic area.

Learn more about dementia knowledge levels
1. Introductory

I am new to supporting people with dementia and/or I would like to develop basic or introductory dementia knowledge about this topic.

2. Foundational

I already have some basic knowledge or experience of dementia in this topic and would like to increase my knowledge and understanding to support or care for a person living with dementia.

3. Enhanced Practice

I already have foundational knowledge in this topic and would like to develop a deeper knowledge and skill base to support people living with dementia and their carers and/or progress to becoming a dementia specialist practitioner.

4. Advanced Practice/ Expertise

I have in-depth knowledge or experience built on the previous three levels in this topic and seek advanced dementia knowledge and skills to support and lead innovation and practice and/or become a dementia specialist practitioner or researcher.

We’ve found 000 learning opportunities relevant to you.

Based on your answers, we've determined personalised results and
compiled helpful resources for your learning journey.

We recommend contacting Dementia Training Australia to discuss your organisation's specific needs.

Find out how Dementia Training Australia can assist your organisation.

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