Environments: Meaningful Engagement Outdoors

By Dementia Training Australia

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During the COVID-19 pandemic, many residents have had little contact with friends and family and have spent a lot of time within the boundaries set by a care environment. It has become even more important to find ways to use the environment to enable and encourage residents to do things that are meaningful to them. The webinar will looked at meaningful engagement outdoors. It addressed our need to get outside, be active and enjoy the fresh air. We introduced ways that a good environment can support people to make choices, use retained abilities and engage in outdoor activity that is meaningful to them.

Enabling Environments


Resource Type:
Video Recording

Learning Outcomes

After watching, staff should be able to:
  • Better understand how a building can support people getting out to gardens and decks.
  • Introduce strategies to create more supportive outdoor areas for people living with dementia.
  • Reflect on the role of staff in supporting residents getting outdoors.