Sexualities and Dementia Education Resource

By Dementia Training Australia

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The Sexualities and Dementia Education Resource assists health professionals understand the meaning and functions of sexuality for people with dementia. The resource contains four modules which cover: Intimacy, Sexuality and Sexual Behaviour Dementia and the Expression of Sexuality Ethical Consideration: Policy Guidelines Development for Sexualities and Dementia in Care Settings and Developing Sexualities and Dementia Policy Guidelines for care Practice Published 02/2014

Person-Centred Care,  Behaviour


Resource Type:
Trainer Resources

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this education resource, participants will have an awareness and understanding of the following:
  • The intimate and sexual needs of people with dementia.
  • The importance of expression of sexuality for people with dementia.
  • The role of health care professionals in responding to the expression of sexuality by people with dementia.
  • A model to assess cognitive competency of people with dementia to have intimate and sexual relationships.
  • A framework to better support the expression of sexuality by people with dementia
  • Knowledge translation of sexualities and dementia into care practices.