Person-Centred Care and other Theoretical Models

By Dementia Training Australia

  • Foundational
  • 40 minutes
  • Online Module
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In this module we describe person-centred care and the priorities for a person-centred approach in the hospital setting. We explore biography and tools to obtain the most relevant elements for your patient's stay. You will learn about using models that can help you holistically understand the person within the care environment and help you choose the most appropriate interventions aimed at resolving or minimising responsive behaviours. This is module 3 in the 9 part module series: The View from Here: Skills in Dementia Care for Acute Settings.

Person-Centred Care



Continuing Professional Development (CPD) :
40 minutes

Learning Outcomes

After completing this module, staff should be able to:
  • Describe person-centred care (PCC).
  • Recognise that applying the principles of PCC can improve the Quality of care for people with dementia.
  • Describe a number of models and frameworks that can provide Structure to assessing and planning PCC for people with dementia.
  • Apply simple strategies that support a person-centred approach.
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