Minimising Antipsychotic Medications for Responsive Behaviour

By Dementia Training Australia

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This evidence-informed resource suite is designed to assist health professionals or support staff to minimise antipsychotic use for responsive behaviour and to ensure safe and appropriate usage if these medications are prescribed, as a last resort and when all non-medicine approaches have failed. The resource suite contains of: A poster: Summary of suggested steps to support a person with new responsive behaviours and considerations when starting, monitoring and withdrawing antipsychotic medications. Suitable to place in the nurse’s station or on the medication room wall. Quick Reference Cards (set of 5): Minimising antipsychotic medications for responsive behaviours. Detailed evidence-informed suggestions to support responsive behaviours, and to start, monitor and withdraw antipsychotic medications for an unresolved responsive behaviour as a last resort and if all non-medicine approaches have failed. Keep close at hand e.g. attached to a medication trolley. Reminder Stickers: Use in resident’s notes and/or communication book to remind staff when prescribed antipsychotic medications for responsive behaviour were started and when a review is due for effectiveness and/or withdrawal. First published on 01/08/2017, Updated 30/01/2023



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