Establishing Carer Support Group

By Dementia Australia

  • Foundational
  • 4.5 hours
  • Online Course

The course is designed for health professionals and volunteers who see an opportunity in starting a carer support group. The course will equip the facilitator with the knowledge and skills to establish, lead and sustain a carer support group. While this course has been developed using dementia carer support groups as an example, the principles and resources are transferable to other types of carer support groups, for example, chronic illness.

Communication and Connection



Continuing Professional Development (CPD) :
4.5 hours

Learning Outcomes

After completing this course, staff will gain knowledge in:
  • How to plan and set up a carer support group.
  • Group marketing and promotion.
  • Running and sustaining a support group.
  • Guiding positive group behaviours.